Rainbow Aroha
Rainbow Connections

Rainbow Reading with Gwen
Connect soul to soul with your beloved animal.
You are welcome to ask as many questions as you need to. The animal can be living or in spirit. In this session, Gwen will connect with your beloved animal during the dedicated one hour and a full email report of what transpires during the session will be sent to you.
One animal per reading
$169 *

Aroha Healing with Casey
​During the dedicated 1 hour, all energy fields in the body will be realigned.
All physical, mental and emotional dis-ease will be gently attuned into a state of perfect expression for the individual animal. You will receive a full email report of what transpires during the session. This may also include messages from the animal and from spirit.
One animal per healing
$169 *

Rainbow Aroha
Reading & Healing
This session is profoundly life changing. Here, Gwen and Casey work together as one unit. Often, the spirits of loved ones choose to stay during the healing and the love and reconnection they bring never fails to leave the Rainbow Crew in tears of heartfelt gratitude.
This session is only performed 3 times a month and there might be a 2-3 week wait. However, urgent cases will be considered an exempt so please do reach out to share your story.
You will receive one email after the session is complete. This email will lay out all that transpires during this powerful session.
One animal per session
$333 *

Rainbow Aroha
Reading & Healing
(People Session)
This session is for the animal guardians. People who love animals and who choose and continue to make the lives of animals better. This profound healing session is reserved only for people whose animals have had a session with The Rainbow Crew.
Similar to our Rainbow Aroha session for animals, but for people. Often, spirits of loved ones commune with The Rainbow Crew, passing on messages and offering their love and support during the healing.
You will receive a detailed email that will lay out all that transpires during this profound and powerful session.
There is usually a 2-3 week wait for this session. We thank you for your patience and trust in The Rainbow Crew. Heartfelt gratitude and love to each and every one of you.
One person per session
$555 *
* All prices shown are in USD